Hello fam bam,
So things didn't turn out the way we had expected this past week. Jackie has been avoiding us and I believe that this is because after we taught her the Word of Wisdom and she committed to live it, she gave into temptation and broke it. This just means that Sister Bonner and I did not do our job at explaining the Atonement as well as we should have. Hopefully we can see her again soon and help her understand that we all make mistakes and that that is the reason we have the atonement. If none of us ever needed to use to use the Atonement then it would be a thoughtful but pointless gift. Also when we use it, we have the privilege of getting to know our Savior better. That is a blessing in and of itself. Our other investigator also came to church again for all 3 hours which is a miracle because getting up before 1:00 is a huge trial for him, but he keeps coming. We are going to try and extend a baptismal invite to him this week
On the other hand, we met with the Bishops again, the family we had previously dropped, and we ended up re-dropping them because they were horrible in the lesson that we had on Thursday. Bonner and I spent the whole week prepping ourselves mentally and spiritually to meet with them again and we planned out this amazing lesson on the gospel of Jesus Christ and we did it prayerfully and we just felt really good about it, and then we get to their home and they proceed to attempt to tear us apart. I have never been so offended in my life. At one point they pulled out little packets for each of us to look at with the differences between Mormon's beliefs and other Christian beliefs and they wanted to go through each one so they could prove that we weren't Christian. They didn't. It turned out that basically everything on that paper was taken out of context and full of error and they ended up looking, and I'm sure feeling, very foolish. Interestingly enough, when we first got there, after the formalities of asking each other about the other's week and what not, after that, when they proceeded to lose their minds, I felt super calm and I know that it was the spirit comforting me. It is pretty amazing that Heavenly Father keeps his promise to protect his children when we strive to fulfill our calling and share the gospel with everyone, even those that scare us. Even when we are rejected and attacked, we can receive the calm assurance of the Holy Ghost that what we teach is true. Something about me though, when I get mad, as hard as I try not to, I cry. For some reason I can't help it and it drives me nuts. So while I'm sitting there still trying to be polite and courteous on the outside, I am positively livid inside, and so when it's my turn to talk, my eyes are all full of tears and my voice is all wobbly and I feel like such an idiot. It doesn't help my anger, and my tears, when Ryan then says, "I know this is all probably hard for you to hear, but I have to say it anyways." I wanted to punch him in the throat. I was not crying because my testimony of The Book of Mormon was compromised in any way. I was not crying because he was asking "hard" (more like ridiculous) questions. I was not crying because they told us that we weren't saved. I was crying because, for some reason, that is how my body reacts to wanting to strangle someone... Anyways, I'm going to stop now. By the end, after we closed with a prayer, they told us that just because we believe different things doesn't mean that we can't still be friends and then they awkwardly made us hug them.................................................. I hated that part. But, I have repented (I'll probably have to do that again) and I have prayed fervently for charity and love for them and I was doing great up until now when I remembered all of my negative feelings about that experience. Anyways, that's enough about that.
So because this is all still so fresh in my mind, the thought I want to share today is on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Basically the gospel of Jesus Christ laid out is: having faith in Jesus Christ that leads us to repent (or change), following the example of Jesus Christ and being baptized by someone holding priesthood authority, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands and enduring faithfully to the end (2 Nephi 31:20, or 2 Nephi 31 in general). To a lot of other Christian faiths this Gospel makes it seem like we are trying to "work our way to heaven". One of the problems the Bishops had was that it appeared, that by doing all of these things, including keeping the commandments and attending church and doing good works, we were taking away from the glory of the sacrifice of the atonement. They believed that there is absolutely nothing we can do to obtain salvation and that as long as we believe in Christ then we are saved and nothing can take that away from us. The reason why this bothers me so much, is because the reason we do all of these things is to glorify and honor our Savior and his sacrifice. I like to think of it as a cake recipe. Let's say that your mom gave you the recipe for the most delicious cake in the world. Contained in the recipe are the ingredients you will need to make this delicious cake and the tools that you will need to use as well. But instead of making the cake and eating it, you just frame the recipe and put it on your wall so you can look at it and remember it and thank your mom profusely for being so kind in giving you this amazing gift... Tell me, was the reason your mom gave you the recipe just so you could look at it and admire it, but never use it? Are your really showing gratitude to mom for that gift by just believing that the recipe makes a good cake? Are you receiving the most happiness you could from that gift by never making the cake and is your mom receiving the most joy she could by never seeing you use her gift? The answer to all of these questions is no. Your mom gave you the recipe so that you could put all of the ingredients together with the help of the tools and make the cake and receive a fullness of joy in making AND eating the cake. Does making and eating the cake take away from mom's glory? No, it's still her recipe, it's still her gift, but now you both can rejoice together from the deliciousness of this cake. The same goes for the Atonement. The Savior didn't just die for us, but he also taught us how to live. He lead a life that was meant to exemplify what we need to do in order to return to live with him and our Father in Heaven again. Jesus Christ gave us an incredible gift, but he also gave us the exact tools, or the recipe, we would need in order to use the Atonement fully and receive all of the blessings from it. By just looking at it and being grateful for it, we are only receiving partial joy. We can show greater appreciation and receive greater happiness by actually using the Atonement through faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. I have a firm testimony of this. I know that Father in Heaven and our Savior ask more of us in this life because they know that that is the only way we can return to live with them again and also because they know we are capable of doing hard things. Yes, sometimes living the gospel and keeping the commandments is hard and you make mistakes. You make a mess in the kitchen so to speak. Luckily, we have more tools than just cooking tools to help us out with, That. Please, if you do not know that much about the Atonement I urge to learn more. If you are not using the gospel to the fullest extent possible I urge you to do so. These things will bless your life and bring Heavenly Father joy, because you are doing what it takes to return to live with him again. I know this is the true gospel of Jesus Christ and I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's church established once again on the earth. I have such a strong testimony of these things, and I say them in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
-Sister Williams
If you ever are interested in hearing a great talk about grace, check out Brad Wilcox's talk titled "His Grace is Sufficient". It is super good. Love you all!