Sister Williams and Sister Bonner |
Being silly with the Cardenas |
Sister Williams, Sister Bonner and Jackie |
Visiting the Cardenas Family |
So sorry!
Alright I know that I should have written last week, but I was slightly bitter, because it was a tough one. Definitely a faith trying experience. I like to think of that week as "everybody hate the sister missionaries" week, but it is now over and all is well. This past week on the other hand was awesome! We started teaching again this family that we had previously dropped, mostly because they were intimidating and scared us. But, after a fair amount of time, we manned up and set up an appointment with them, and taught them last Tuesday. The lesson got intense and heated and we ended up being there for like 3 hours. It was not awesome, but afterwards they told us that they loved us and loved meeting with us and want us to come back. So we're meeting with them again on Thursday... People are crazy, but we are all children of God, so at least we have that in common haha. Then on Friday we met with Jackie and we... SET A BAPTISMAL DATE!! She hesitated when we asked and then she told us that as soon as we extended the invitation her mind was flooded with thoughts saying that she would let us down and that she wouldn't be able to do it. Then She stopped and said, "Yes I can do it!" Dumb 'ol Satan. He is really just the most annoying thing. You can be sure that every time that you are about to do something great and life changing, that will bring you closer to the Savior and Heavenly Father, he will be right there to tell you that you will fail and to make your life harder. But, as Elder Holland once said, "If for a while the harder you try, the harder it gets, take heart. So it has been with the best people who have ever lived." And that is so true! Of course things are going to get harder when you strive to be better because now you are a threat to Satan whereas before you weren't. So when you're trying to do the right thing, and things get difficult, in a sense you can know that you're on the right path haha. Right before Joseph Smith saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ, he was overtaken by a dark power that was bent on his destruction. Why? Because he was about to do a great work!. Right before something great happened something trying happened first. So pray for Jackie that she can make her date and that she can be strong and triumph over her trials.
Another awesome thing that happened was not only did Jackie come to church again this Sunday, and she stayed all 3 hours, but another one of our investigators named Jontae came as well for the first time. For a while there it seemed like Jontae wasn't going anywhere or progressing, and like he wasn't really all that interested. We didn't try all that hard other than stopping by every week to ask if he wanted to meet haha. Anyways, so when he said he would come to church we were so stoked and his Mom was with him when we asked and she said she would coma as well. Then we asked if they would like to invite his dad, and they both just laughed and said that will never happen. So we shrugged and were like whatever, as long as you come to church. So Jontae did come, his mom ended having to work so she didn't come, but he did and that was just fine. SO that was it. That was our little victory for the week. Then a little while after church we get a call from our ward mission leader, who was the one who took him home afterwards, and he told us that when they got to his house they felt prompted to go in and talk to his family, and his dad in particular. So they did and they had a really nice conversation and ended up inviting the entire family (including his brother) to church, and the Dad said that he would really like to come. He then proceeded to tell Gavin that he was so impressed by Sister Bonner and I, because we bike out there every week and knock on his door and most times we get rejected by him, and when Jontae is home and he tells us that he's asleep (which he usually always is) we tell him to wake him up haha. He thought that was funny. So even when you think your efforts are wasted, keep trying... unless they specifically tell you to stop. Then you should probably stop haha. Anyways, this week is going to be awesome as well. We are meeting with another family that we thought were out of the picture, but when we called they said we could come over and teach, so teach we will. While a mission is an emotional roller coaster for sure, I'm glad on I'm on it and I get to feel such a vast range of emotions everyday. It lets you know that you are still alive and human. Those are good things. I love this work and you! Have a great week!
-Sister Williams